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戛纳国际电影节(Festival De Cannes)
发行人: 总编室      联系方式: 国际电视电影节目交易中心     更新时间:2011/5/13


戛纳国际电影节(Festival De Cannes)亦译作康城或坎城电影节,世界最大、最重要的电影节之一。1939年,法国为了对抗当时受意大利法西斯政权控制的威尼斯国际电影节,决定创办法国自己的国际电影节。第二次世界大战爆发使筹备工作停顿下来。大战结束后,于1946年9月20日在法国南部旅游胜地戛纳举办了首届电影节。自创办以来,除1948年、1950年停办和1968年中途停断外,每年举行一次,为期两周左右。原来每年9月举行。1951年起,为了在时间上争取早于威尼斯国际电影节,改在5月举行。1956年最高奖为“金鸭奖”,1957年起改为“金棕榈奖”,分别授予最佳故事片、纪录片、科教片、美术片等。此外,历年来还先后颁发过爱情心理电影、冒险侦探电影、音乐电影、传记片、娱乐片、处女作、导演、男女演员、编剧、摄影、剪辑等奖。

戛纳电影节因大海、美女和阳光(Sea Sex Sun)而被称为3S电影节。每年盛事期间,在著名的海滨大道及附近的海滩上都会有众多美女云集,期待着影界大腕、星探们的发掘,一圆她们的明星梦。



About the Festival
Here we are again in May 2011 for a new edition of the Cannes Film Festival. The story continues, the story begins, the story is invented and re-invented every year and at the same time, the festival team and the city of Cannes prepare to greet artists and professionals from around the world. With, shall we say, love, appetite and impatience.
For it seems that floating on the Croisette is a scent of lightness, desire and peace. If each edition has a particular mood, 2011 is already, even before the first screen lights up, very exciting. Why, how and when does public opinion decides that "Cannes will be great this year"? It's a mystery ... and rightly so. Consider what is required: the enthusiasm of the press at the announcement of the selection on April 14th, the arrival of the greatest filmmakers, actors and other film artists, the massive return of professionals, film-buffs, and a vibrant Film Market. As to the weather, unless our favorite Icelandic volcano acts alone over the skies of Europe, we have done everything to make it perfect.
This year, Cannes has installed a little innovation here and there: As a guest, Egyptian film culture, home of great cinema, has signaled to the world their desire for democracy and freedom and like Tunisia, which will is also present, shows how cinema moves to the rhythm of world events; a feast of selections for film crews to meet each other rather than in competition or rivalry, or the stress of an audience’s reaction; Jean-Paul Belmondo, back in Cannes to receive an ovation from the world of cinema; a Palme d'Or of Honor awarded at the opening ceremony to Bernardo Bertolucci from the Jury President Robert De Niro, as his actor in 1900, will look on with fondness.
Between Woody Allen’s Midnight in Paris at the opening of the festival and The Beloved by Christophe Honore closing, Cannes will deploy its charm, its mysteries and traditions: fifty films in the Official Selection, dozens of guests every day, hundreds of screenings, thousands of film-buffs. The Carnival of Animals too, by Camille Saint-Saens. We never tire of it either. Music!
Thierry Frémaux

The International Film Festival was created on the initiative of Jean Zay, Minister for Education and Fine Arts, who was keen to establish an international cultural event in France to rival the Venice Film Festival.
The first edition of the Festival was originally set to be held in Cannes in 1939 under the presidency of Louis Lumière. However, it was not until over a year after the war ended that it finally took place, on 20 September 1946. It was subsequently held every September – except in 1948 and 1950 – and then every May from 1952 onwards.
The Festival de Cannes, which is managed by a Board of Directors, was registered as an “Association loi de 1901” (or non-profit association in France) in 1972.



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