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奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Award)
发行人: 总编室      联系方式: 国际电视电影节目交易中心     更新时间:2011/5/13

奥斯卡金像奖Academy Awards, USA官方网站:http://www.oscars.org

奥斯卡金像奖(Academy Award)就是学院奖,由电影艺术与科学学院 (Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences) 颁发。 1928年设立,每年一次在美国的好莱坞举行。半个多世纪来一直享有盛誉。它不仅反映美国电影艺术的发展进程而且对世界许多国家的电影艺术有着不可忽视的影响。

1927年5月,美国电影界知名人士在好莱坞发起组织一个“非盈利组织”,定名为电影艺术与科学学院(the Academy of motion picture Arts and Sciences,缩写为A.M.P.A.S.)它的宗旨是促进电影艺术和技术的进步。学院决定对优秀电影工作者的突出成就给予表彰,创立了“电影艺术与科学学院奖”(Academy Award),1931年后“学院奖”逐渐被其通俗叫法“奥斯卡金像奖”所代替,现在其正式名称已鲜为人知。

About the Academy

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences is the world's preeminent movie-related organization, with a membership of more than 6,000 of the most accomplished men and women working in cinema.
Although best known for its annual Oscar telecast, the Academy is involved in a wide array of education, outreach, preservation and research activities. The Academy's major non-Awards activities and facilities include:

Margaret Herrick Library
The Academy's renowned library has one of the world's most extensive and comprehensive research collections on the subject of motion pictures.

Academy Film Archive
Dedicated to the preservation and study of motion pictures, the Archive collects, restores, documents and provides research access to films.

Science and Technology Council
The Science and Technology Council provides a forum for technological cooperation within the entertainment industry, sponsors publications and educational activities, and preserves the history of motion picture science and technology.

Public Programming
The Academy presents a busy year-round calendar of film retrospectives, lecture series and exhibitions.

Educational and Outreach Activities
The Academy provides financial grants to film-related organizations and institutions, educates high school students about the crafts of filmmaking, and encourages and recognizes the achievements of future filmmakers.

Academy Museum of Motion Pictures
The Academy hopes to create a year-round Hollywood attraction that will feature permanent exhibitions, interactive installations and public programs exploring movies and how they have reflected and influenced world culture. A successful capital campaign is vital to bringing the museum to fruition; that campaign has not launched and no start date for it has yet been determined.
The Academy derives the majority of its revenue from the licensing of broadcast rights to the annual Academy Awards presentation.


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